Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Elders, etc.

Sounds like John will be home in 27 days, and will speak August 10th at 9 am. For more information contact Aunt Helen.

Jesse comes home next Monday, and we are all giddy with anticipation.

Alex has finished an electric vehicle which has consumed him for a long time now, pictured below.

I hope all is well with you and yours. I have quit posting birthdays because I'd like myself to post more interesting news, and you probably all have access to that info anyway.

Also, I sent out invitations via email to everyone whose email address I have. If you follow the links and instructions, you too can post on this blog. If you need another invitation, let me know, and I'll re-send it. Alex and Annette have accepted, though I am still the lone rider post-er at present. I anxiously await more contributions. Thanks everyone!

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